My Awakening: My First Blowjob

Disclaimer: all participants in this story are eighteen years or older. No minors are involved in this entry or in any future entries.

Life can be kind of cruel sometimes. It's a thought that I had started to find myself dwelling on more and more often these days as I found myself midway through my senior year of high school. The more I thought on this stance, the more I felt justified in believing it. How else could I explain away why half of the girls at West High seemed to hate me.

Of that half, many were outright hostile towards me, making passive aggressive comments to me whenever they saw me in the halls or could get away whispering it to me in class. The other half treated me to the steely silence I would have gotten from a rock. Yet, for all of their negativity toward me, I hadn't done anything that warranted this kind of abuse.

I was your typical good girl. I did what my parents asked and excelled in what I could, all while keeping my head down. For me, that meant that I did well in all of my school subjects, devoted a large portion of my time outside of school to dance and violin, and spent what little remaining time with my small group of friends. Though my best friend Sarah would complain that I never had enough time for her and our other friends, I was always grateful for the time I did get to spend with them.

A number of girls in my own grade had seen me as stand-offish even though I always tried to be humble about my success in the classroom and honestly was to busy to be a part of the main high school clique my year had formed gradually over the course of our sophomore and junior years. However, back then, they had contented themselves by treating me like a piece of furniture. More often than not, they would simply overlook me as another part of the room they found themselves in, only acknowledging that I existed when it was convenient for them. I didn't mind this, though, As I was able to do the same.

No, it wasn't until the beginning of my senior year, after I had turned eighteen, when things came to a head. Though the gasoline and c4 had been stocked together practicing from the time I entered high school, no catalyst had started the shit-show of a combustion reaction that was my current life before this year. That all changed when a single lit match was thrown on top of it all. That single match's name was Nick.

Three weeks into our Senior year, the ever-smiling jock with the beautiful, curly-blonde locks had pulled me aside after our chemistry class to ask me out. To this day, I'm not sure what prompted him to do it. He could have asked anyone else in our school, and they would have said yes. Yet he had asked me.

We weren't strangers at that point. Not any more. Nick has sat next to me in chemistry and had asked me if I wanted to do the homework assignment we'd been given today later at his house. I said yes, not realizing how hopeless Nick would prove to be at chemistry.

After that, I spend at least an hour a day at his place, privately tutoring him to keep his grade up so he could continue to play for our school's football team. Sometime during those sessions, he had gotten the hair ball idea that he should ask me out. Truthfully, I was ecstatic about his decision. The only thing that has led me to second guess that excitement has been how the girls in my school have acted towards me since, and the fact that I've been branded as the school's biggest slut. I might not have been as offended by that last part if it were remotely true. However, the truth of the matter was that I was still a virgin.

"He does have a reputation," Sarah would remind me whenever I would bring up how much I hated being called the school slut.

"He hasn't asked me to do anything with him," I would retort back before grumbling about the other girls being jealous.

Sarah would fix me with a stare that always seemed to say just you wait but would say nothing else.

Each tune she would give me that look, I would remember that life was kind of cruel. Here I was, doing my best to live up to my parents expectations for me as well as my own, and when a cute boy had finally taken notice of me and decided I might be worth my time, even my best friend thought this would inevitably send me down a path I would never recover from.

Deciding it wasn't worth it to spend my entire walk to school thinking on the less than optimal situation I had found myself in this year, I instead began to think on the date that Nick and I had planned tonight. It was finally Friday, and Nick had asked me to come to a lookout and share a small, private fire with him. At this point, a date like that would be an ideal break from all of the other parts of my life.

"Hey there, loose lipped Lacey," I voice from behind me called, "You on your way to go please a stranger?"

I didn't even have to turn around to see who had spoken. I could recognize that voice anywhere. It was Katie Fox, the girl who had taken it upon herself to personally ruin my life.

The girl was slightly taller than I was with hair that fanned behind her like a golden halo everywhere she went, a distinct contrast to my brown, curly hair that never did what I wanted it to. Being one of the school's best soccer players, her body was finely shaped with chiseled curves that you couldn't help but notice through her skintight athletic clothing. Though I worked out, finely toned muscles never protruded out of my clothes the way hers did. There was never anything off about her appearance or the way she presented herself.

If there was a flaw that I had found in her aside from her rotten personality, it was the look that constantly hid behind her eyes. It was a cold, hateful look that never left them. Though no one said it too loudly, I knew there were many at my school who sought to avoid interacting with her just because of that hairy-raising look.

I chose to ignore her, starting to walk away. That only seemed to make her want to get a rise out of me more. I heard her footballs beat heavily against the concrete beneath us as she caught up to me. Falling in step beside me, she said, "Did you have a late start this morning? You're looking pretty disheveled, but I suppose that's only to be expected. I've heard that Nick never seems to be satisfied, and will keep his sluts up all night."

"Nick and I have never spent a single night together," I said through gritted teeth, "Now buzz off and annoy someone else, you blood sucking bitch."

Katie's eyes flashed with anger at my comment, but her patronizing smile stayed. "Sounds like someone's on their period," she said with a smirk, "Don't worry, though, I'm sure that he'll be doubly glad to keep you up all night when it's over."

She started to walk away before calling over her shoulder and saying, "Don't worry, it's only a matter of time before he's pounding you out like the whore you are."

I felt my knuckles turn white as my fingers curled into fists. This last comment had been more than telling. She knew that Nick and I hadn't ever really slept together. That didn't stop her from spreading rumors about us, though. The way she saw it, it was an inevitability, and I was going to end up another notch on his promiscuous belt.

Though I wouldn't know it until hours later, she had been right.


Though Nick has promised me a fire, I got something quite different that night. After taking me to the lookout, Nick had wrapped me in a warm, gentle embrace before sharing the warm that radiated from his lips with my lips. We kissed for what felt like hours, though time seemed to have no bearing over us whenever Nick held me like this. When at last we emerged from our embrace, Nick had a grimace on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's nothing," he said immediately, "Don't worry about it."

"That's only going to make me worry move," I said, poking his solid chest, feeling the layers of pure muscle through his loose fitted t shirt, "What's wrong."

Nick blushes the same red as the sky behind us as the sun started to set. He gestured down at his pants before shooting me a sheepish grin and a shrug. Looking down, I could see the massive bulge begging for release from the confines of Nick's jeans.

"It does look... uncomfortable," I said, feeling nearly as uncomfortable as the massive bulge looked.

"You don't have to do anything about it," he said quickly, "I'm only pointing it out to you because you asked."

"I know," I said, my mouth a thin line as I tried to figure out how this was going to play out. Glancing out of the truck cabin to the west and seeing the bloody sunset sink lower, I had a suspicion, though I hated to admit it. "How uncomfortable is it?"

"It's unpleasant now,"He said, trying and failing to sound nonchalant, "The real pain will when we part ways and everything down there will be as blue as the sky."

"I want to help you out," I said, slowly, even though my stomach cooled itself like a snake at the words, "But there are all ready a lot of people at school who are already spreading rumors about us and how we spend our time together. Besides, I'm not sure if I'm ready for that next step. You know I've never been that close to anyone in that sense before."

"I know," He said quickly, "I wouldn't dream to pressure you into anything. Just know that if I seem uncomfortable or scratch down there, that's why."

Despite what he said, the crestfallen look on his face stole his words of any true meaning. He was disappointed, and admittedly, so was I. Though I wouldn't dare dream of telling Nick this, there was a fine trickle of pussy juice slowly leaking down my thigh. How could it not. I had just been making out with the hottest guy in my grade and couldn't help what it would be like if I gave in and became the slut everyone already thought I was. After all, what was the harm in it if everyone expected this of me. It's not like holding out was going to change anyone's minds on the matter.

"Perhaps," I said at last, "I could help you scratch down there. Just a little."

Nick's eyes went wide at the suggestion, but he barely had time to process what I had said before I placed a hand on his thigh and began massaging the bulge through his jeans. Even shrouded in cloth, Nick's dick felt had as a rock. I rubbed here and there, looking for a tender spot, all the while watching as Nick slowly sank into throes of pleasure. His eyes were closed, and a serine expression now graced his face.

"Lacey," He whispered, his voice rich as honey, "Lacey that feels so good."

Even as he spoke, his hands reached down to his button and zipper and undid both. He then shoved his boxers down to reveal his nine-inch cock, it's length looking like it had been cut from white marble. Taking my hand, he guided it to the base of his masculinity, his implication clear. Hesitantly, I began stroking the appendage, feeling how solid it was, and wondering how it would feel inside of me. Would it even fit?

"Oh, Lacey, this feels amazing," He said again, a slight pant emphasizing each word, "You sure your a virgin?"

I merely nodded and I pumped my hand up and down, transfixed by how long it truly was, not to mention how thick it was. Had he truly been hiding all of this beneath that fabric. I leaned my head in towards it, studying the faint glistening substance that had started to form at the tip of the head, my hand pumping faster.

Nick, misinterpreting my action, put his hands on the back of my head, pushing his cock right into my face. Before I could do much as suggest we slow down, I felt the tip of his manhood slip past my lips. I could smell the musky sent that radiated from its base, even as I saw the faint edges of well defined abs poking out from underneath his shirt. Matching the smell was the faintly salty taste that dribbled onto my tongue as a string of precum dribbled onto my tongue. Nick guided me with his hands, pushing me up and down along his shaft. Whenever I'd reach the base, I would feel myself start to gag a little. Nick didn't seem to mind though. If anything, that only sped up his pace.

Even as he sped up, I couldn't help but feel my Maputo grow wetter as I polished his cock in grand sweeping motions. I let my tongue trace a path along the length of his shaft, which illuminated a grunt for pleasure. I moaned into his cock, sucking on it vigorously. Tasting Nick was far kore satisfying than I had anticipated.

Finally, Nick forced me off of his cock, just as his orgasm washed over him. Cum erupted from his cock, splattering over my face and hands. Even as I felt his load leaking down my face and into my hair, I felt a deep it of shame well up inside me, as I realized that my actions had given some amount of truth to what the other girls at school said about me.

Sensing that something was wrong, he asked me what was up. I lied and told him that I had forgotten about a couple of assignments I needed to turn in that night. He offered to take me home, but I told him that he should take me over to my friend Sarah's instead, saying I had forgotten that we had made plans to work on a project together.

Nick took me there without further question, dropping me off at her doorstep with a fond kiss after he had wiped my face off. Though I knocked on Sarah's door, expecting the night's events to be over, I was about to learn how wrong that notion truly was. As it turned out, there was a lot more to cum.


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